Our Passive Vision

We are architects foremost who create beautiful, inspiring and welcoming spaces that embrace the people who live and work in them. Passive House ensures these spaces are warm and comfortable, healthy and condensation and mould free.

Vision To be a leader in delivering Passive House to our clients.

Mission One A home or place that enhances the health and well being of the occupants with reduced energy consumption is our priority. We achieve this using the measurable and verifiable Passive House standard.

Mission Two We are passionate advocates for Passive House education. We have open homes during construction and after completion to educate home owners, architects, students, trades people and developers. This has led to meeting many incredible people and the sharing of ideas and solutions.

Darryl Sang is a Certified Passive House Designer and a keen spokesperson of all things Passive House. He is regularly seen in the Passive House community. He has presented for organisations such as PHINZ, Notion Tuelo, Unitec and the Superhome Movement.

Vlada Acimovic is both a Certified Passive House Designer and an Engineer of Energy Efficiency (SRB). He has decades of Passive House experience, having designed an array of Passive Houses in Europe and New Zealand. As Sang Architects’ Passive House Design Manager and Design Team Manager, his vision is for New Zealand to embrace Passive House and to produce warm, comfortable homes that use very little energy.